SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA) programme and its essential features

SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA)programme and its essential features: 
SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA) is the government’s flagship
programme to provide universal access to elementary education for children 6- 14 years age going. The scheme aims at improving enrolment, retention, and the
quality of education to enable children to achieve grade appropriate levels of learning. It also aims to bridge gender differences and gaps between different social categories. SSA was initiated in 2001 following recommendations from the state education ministers’ conference in 1998. Although the 86th Amendment to the Constitution enacted in 2002 made elementary education a fundamental right, the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act that
operationalised the provision of free and compulsory education was not passed by the Parliament until August 2009.
. Essential Features of SSA
The SSA has the following essential features which make it one of the most
significant programme for achieving the objectives of universalization of
elementary education
• It is a programme with a clear time frame for achieving the aims and
objectives of universalization of elementary education
• It is a response of the demand for quality basic education all over the country
• It is an opportunity for promoting social justice through basic education
• It is an effort to actively involve Panchayati Raj Institutions, School
Management Committees, village Education Committees, Village Education
Committees, Parent-teachers associations and local level people in the
education of children
• It is an expression of the political will for universal Elementary Education across the country
• It involves autonomous councils and other grass root level structures in the
management of elementary education
• It welcomes a partnership between centre, states and the local governments
• It is an opportunity for states to develop their own vision of elementary
• It is Also an opportunity for Public Private Partnership(PPP) in its
implementation strategies
• Above all, the SSA programme is also an attempt to provide an opportunity
for improving human capabilities in all children through the provision of
community owned quality education in a mission mode.

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