Savasana ( Basic Asana)


Savasana ( Basic Asana):

Savasana, the death pose, and is also called mirtuasnna. This asana is very useful for meditation and jape etc. This asana precedes the other asana. It should be performed at intervals and also at the end. This asana relaxes the muscles and the blood vessels. This asana appears simple, but it is one of the most difficult to master. The practice of this asana aims at releasing the mind from the body. It is yogic relaxation in the shortest possible time. Relaxation of the body and the mind is necessary in the modern commotion and materialism. Savasana has been
accepted as a remedy for psychosomatic diseases on account of competitive age. One finds true relaxation and experiences rest
and peace. Those who suffer from excessive mental stress or heart disease must practice this asana.
Savasana ( Basic Asana)


1. Lie flat on the back, on to ground.
2. Place the hands a little away from the thighs with the palms facing up.
3. Keep the fists slightly closed.
4. Stretch the legs out.
5. Keep the eyes closed.
6. Keep the feet apart.
7. Breathe slowly, rhythmically but naturally
8. Consciously and gradually relax every muscle and each part of the body, feet, calves, knees, thighs, abdomen and hips. Then relax the muscles of the back, chest, fingers, neck, head and face.
9. Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Relax the brain during exhalation.
10. Direct the attention to the breathing, to the soul and to the God.
11. Retain the meditation for a few minutes.

1. Do not do on the uneven place.
2. Do the asana on a mat.
3. Do slowly and smoothly.
4. Eyes should be closed, unless one is uncomfortable with eyes closed.
5. Pay attention to the flow of your breath.
6. Rest the head wherever it feels comfortable.


1. By this asana the posture and meditation are co-ordinated. It pacifies the body and the mind.
2. In savasana, all parts of the body, skin, muscles and nerves are relaxed.
3. This asana gives complete relaxation and rest to the muscles after strenuous exercises.
4. It helps the body and mind to refresh after a long illness.
5. This asana helps to cure the diseases such as high or low blood pressure and indigestion and the blood circulation becomes regular in the entire body and one feels refreshing.
6. In gives relief to those who suffer from heart -trouble and mental stress and strain.
7. The constant practise of this asana helps one to control the anger.
8. Savasana overcomes mental and  physical fatigue, and also provides a sense of well being.
9. It helps to reduce tensions and enables the development of insight.
10. The mastering of this pose may help to make a person free from the fear of death.
11. This gives the feeling as a person is floating in the sky.

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