The Changing Nature of the Society Today and Corresponding Roles and Responsibility of the Teacher


The Changing Nature of the Society Today:

Corresponding Roles and Responsibility of the Teacher:

You may realize the tremendous
metamorphosis taking place in the global society due to ICT interventions, today. ICT influences all walks of our life. The whole new social order is emerging in last couple of decades. There is no precedence to these changes. The technological developments and advances in the emerging society of to-day are so fast that taking place it is not possible to imagine the life after hundred years. But one can visualize the life in next ten-twenty years. What form of tomorrow’s society are we visualizing ? What are the changes
occurring in the purposes and conceptual framework of education due to this social transformation? How the delivery modes are changing? Is the education today relevant for tomorrow, or we are producing the misfits?

This transformed society requires an immediate Plan of Action (POA) for Education to cope up with the new social structure and its unprecedented needs.

Connected and knowledge-based society:

The impact of ICT is simply
astounding - changing the face of world so fast-particularly in last twodecades. The all pervading applications of ICT tools and techniques have revolutionized the entire life, including education. What one can do with the marvels like mobile phone, television, computers, etc, is simply unbelievable. On the one hand, these applications are increasing in number and extended to newer areas, every day; On the other hand, they are becoming cheaper and affordable to and in routine use of under privileged section of
society. In the vast population of in India, today, crores of people are
connected on mobile phones, telephones, internet, and social networks on computers and this number is increasing exponentially.

Statistics retrieved on 07-10-2011 from the web site of TRAI shows that India has over 100 million internet users (of whom 40 million use the Internet via mobile phones) as of December 2010. Also, India had 851.70 million mobile phone subscribers and 885.99 million telephone connections at the end of June 2011. Mobile telephones grow at the rate of 11.41 million subscribers a month,

When everything is getting costlier in the global economy, the only
commodity becoming cheaper day by day, is ICT, whereas, its access, utility, quality, affordability, and outreach are improving every second. Still, the penetration of computer with internet connection as a partner and principal
contributor in the process of learning is very slow. When the whole world is getting connected we are still teaching them in disconnected way; in compartments of content, isolated disciplines, not holistically, not integrated with life.

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