Health for Individual, significance of Health

Health for Individual:
It is a sad reality that some people just take their health for granted. They do not exercise. They do not observe proper diets. Instead, indulge themselves in things that are not good for the body. It is because they have not been taught what exactly is the importance of their body’s well-being. It is often only when we are sick, injured, or the quality of our life is under threat, that we truly recognize its
importance as we face up to the potential loss of wellbeing, mobility, or life itself. There are several advantages of a healthy life. Your body will be free from various forms of health problems and thus you will get a longer life. You can live a life without suffering from aches, pains and discomfort. You will be able to perform in every sphere of your life to the best of your ability. Apart from this, it makes you look good and attractive and you start feeling good about yourself. When you are healthy, you can lead a physically active life even after growing old. Your body will be able to heal faster the regular wear and tear associated with aging. In short, good health brings about a drastic improvement in the overall quality of your life. Kid’s health is important for proper growth and development of their mind and
body. They require enough energy to spend the entire day in school. They should be able to focus in the classroom and fully participate in the activities on the field. For this, they need proper nutrition which includes carbohydrates, proteins,
calcium, minerals, etc. Today, most parents have a basic knowledge of food and health related issues. However, they often fail to understand why health care is
important for their children. Regular health check up with a health care provider is a must for every child. This helps to learn from the experts whether the child’s development in terms of height and weight is right or not. Other aspects of health that have to be monitored are their behavior, oral health and eye checkup which
are equally important. This will also prevent any health problems in future.

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